Step 3- How to Tag/Price

Hand Written Tags are no longer accepted for any reason.

Be sure to check out the videos on tagging below.

How to Enter Your Items Online to Create Barcoded Tags:

Once you have registered as a consignor you can begin tagging using our online tagging program. Reference the short video on the bottom of this page. While entering items the system requires the following information on each tag:

  1. Category: choose a category from the drop down menu that best describes your item.
  2. Size: For clothing, you will choose a size from the drop down menu beneath the category (please do not choose Small, Medium, Large etc)
  3. Item Description: include a brief description (ie: Polo red and white stripes). We cannot stress how important a good description is! It helps us if your items tag becomes separated from your item.  AT MINIMUM ALWAYS INCLUDE- the brand, color and something that describes the piece. Your paycheck will thank you. Do NOT just state: Shirt, Bottoms, Shoes. Descriptions like these make our job impossible if your item is separated from the tag.
  4. Price: You set your own prices. Price to sell! Below is a great pricing guide bellow.  But the 30% of retail is a great starting point for pricing!  You must price in whole dollar increments.
  5. Discount: check this box if you want your item to be sold at 50% during our half price sale on Saturday (Friday evening presale for Consignors/Volunteers). Remember that Saturday is one of our busiest days and many shoppers will not purchase items left at this point if they are NOT 1/2 off!
  6. Donate: check this box to donate the item if it does not sell. Donated items will be given to our selected charity.
  7. Quantity: this option allows you to quickly produce tags if you have more than one of the exact same item (color, size, etc)
  8. Submit: Finally you will submit and the item will be added to your online inventory. Continue this process until you have added tags for all your items.
  9. Print: When you are ready you can choose to print. Use white cardstock only when printing your tags.

Please customize each tag you generate by placing a small stamp or sticker that is identical on the left side of every tag. This will assist in the sort process at the end of the sale.

Tips To Increase Your Sales!

  • Stick with the 30% of retail rule for the majority of your items. Shoppers come for bargains- plain and simple!
  • DISCOUNT DISCOUNT DISCOUNT!!!! We can’t stress that enough. One of our heaviest days of customers is our Discount Day (last day of our sale) and the shoppers want to see that DISCOUNT:YES symbol on your tag. At this point, your item has been full price for 4 days and hasn’t sold. You don’t want to bring it home- so discount it!
  • Infant clothing (under 18 months) is always a challenge. We find that moms of infants don’t shop these sizes as heavily, possibly due to the abundance of items that they receive at their shower for baby’s first year of life. BRING YOUR BEST, PRICE COMPETITIVELY, and definitely DISCOUNT!!!
  • FYI- Selling 70% of your items is your goal as a consignor.
    • Less than 50% of your items sold? Lower your pricing, discount if possible, and double check your quality. Are your items faded? Prepared well?
    • Greater than 70%? You are a rockstar! Your pricing and quality are on point Keep up the great work!

Tagging Tips:

  • Metal Hangers Are Preferred – unless they are 0-18 month then they can be on metal hangers or THIN plastic hangers
  • Pinned– All items should be pinned properly see diagram below
  • Clothing Tags– All tags should be on the right side of the garment or over the heart of the shirt
  • Hangers– should face the left like a question mark (?)
  • Shoes– Zip Tie shoes together or use ribbon/string, then pin tag to tie. (tip: use tape to write consignor number and item number in the sole of each shoe for in the event they get separated) Only infant shoes are allowed in plastic bags
  • Books and DVD’s- verify all DVD’s are in good working order, tape the box then tape the tag to the back of the DVD box. For hard back books tape the tag to the back of the Book. For Paper Back books or book lot, place books in a ziploc bag, tape bag shut, and then tape tag to bag. Try not to tape over vital information to the buyer.
  • Small items– Place in a ziploc bag, tape shut and tape tag to OUTSIDE of the bag.
  • Selling Items Together– Please Only sell items together if in the SAME condition.
  • Toys–  Tape tag to toy and be sure to not cover any sticker part of toy. Place any loose pieces of a toy inside a bag, then tape to toy.
  • Puzzles and  Games– use cling wrap on box then tape tag to the wrap, so there is no damage to item, make sure all items are included and say it on the tag.
  • All items– please be sure to tape all bags, boxes etc shut.
  • Large items with multiple pieces– If you have a large item with multiple pieces (i.e. a stroller car seat combo- selling as a set) Please be sure to write on the printed tag item 1 of 2 etc, then on a scrap piece of card stock write consigner number, item number, brief description, and item 2 of 2 for the other large item then attach. So both the stroller and the car seat have a tag.

Tagging How to Videos

How to make tags online.

How to tag Multiple books:

How to tag Jeans or Pants:

How to tag an outfit:

How to tag Puzzles:

Need more tagging help?? Check out this through video on tagging!